Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Goes Around Comes Back Around...

Following the laws of nature, life always completes a full circle. What goes around, comes back around... Sometime or the other, life catches up on you. Its clutches are inescapable. Though I have to admit, it teaches well.

Of late, I have noticed, life always places you on both the sides of a situation. The wounder becomes the wounded; the cheater becomes the cheated; the gainer, the loser. The person involved may be different, the times, the conditions varied. The emotions, however, of the people involved, though may differ in intensity, but in essence, do not change.

The teaching pattern differs. Sometimes, you are given the test first, and then taught the lesson, and sometimes, it is the other way round. You are however, taught every lesson and have to face every test, eventually. Like I said, life teaches well.